How to maintain pearls, they are as bright as new for decades

Pearls are jewelry that is very popular among women. Women of different styles can always wear pearls with their taste
Hepburn wore the pearls smartly, the Queen of England wore the pearls dignifiedly, and Princess Diana wore the pearls elegantly.
However, although pearls are beautiful and versatile, many people do not “dare” to buy pearls. Why is this?

1. The “life” of pearls is short, so you dare not buy them?

Compared with many jewelries, pearls are quite delicate. The reason why many people dare not buy pearls is that they are afraid that they will become ugly after a long time. Appears to be “depreciated”. The common “disfigurement” of pearls mainly includes the following two types:

1 skin crack:

After wearing some pearls for a period of time, the luster on the surface cracks like peeling.
There are two possibilities for such a phenomenon. The first is that you have bought fake products, and the second is the problem of pearls.

Fakes: In most cases, the skin of the pearls is cracked because they bought fake pearls with coatings—some profiteers took beads made from shells, or simply used plastic beads to pretend to be pearls. It is plated with a film that is very similar to the luster of pearls, so that the fake beads look the same as pearls. However, this coating is not strong, and it will peel off after a long time, which looks like pearl peeling.

2 yellowing:
This is the situation that everyone is most afraid of encountering.

The original white pearls slowly lose their luster, become dim and even turn yellow, just like the aging of the beautiful beauty, which is painful. Once it turns yellow, it is difficult to save it. I can only watch helplessly as the once beloved pearl jewelry falls to the side.

It is for this reason that many people are reluctant to buy pearls, fearing that the pearls will turn yellow and “waste” if they haven’t worn them for 2 years. Most of these problems are caused by improper maintenance. If you want your pearls not to turn yellow, then continue reading~

2. Pearls are well maintained and do not turn yellow~

So, can pearls not be bought? That’s not the case. Although pearls will slowly oxidize and turn yellow due to their ingredients, as long as they are maintained carefully at ordinary times, the oxidation rate can be effectively reduced, so that the pearl’s appearance can be maintained for decades, or even hundreds of years. no problem.
A pair of pearl earrings and necklaces from the Queen of England, but they are still very new after decades of wearing,
And the famous pearl tear crown of the British royal family, the Queen has worn it, the former Princess Diana has worn it, and now Princess Kate has also worn it, and it is still very beautiful~
If you want your pearls to maintain their beauty for a long time, you must know how to take care of them. I have summarized several maintenance methods for pearls, hoping to help all pearl lovers, so that every pearl lover Can be as beautiful as new~

“Four Nos”:

1 non-stick water:
Although pearls have lived in the water since the day they were born, it is strange that pearls are “water-phobic”. If they get wet with water, it will affect their quality. If you get in the water, you can’t put the pearls directly under the faucet for convenience!

2 Non-stick oil:
In addition to water, oil stains are also taboo in pearl maintenance. If you wear pearls, try not to go to places with heavy oily smoke such as the kitchen, because oil stains stick to pearls and it is very difficult to clean up, and they will penetrate pearls, not only If the surface of the pearl loses its luster, it will accelerate the process of the pearl turning yellow.

3 do not touch:
As organic organisms, the hardness of pearls is relatively low, and the surface of pearls is easily scratched by other things with high hardness-and once the surface of pearls is scratched, it cannot be repaired. Therefore, whether wearing or storing, keep pearls away from other hard objects.

4 Not resistant to high temperature:
Pearls contain moisture inside. If they are in a high-temperature environment, they will easily lose water and become dry, and yellowing will happen sooner or later, so try not to wear pearls in direct sunlight for too long~

“Three Musts”:

1 must always wear:
Like jade, pearls can only maintain their luster if they are worn frequently. Don’t be afraid to wear them because they are afraid of yellowing. And dry out or even turn yellow.

2 must be cleaned:
Pearls are also very clean jewelry. Daily cleaning work must be done well. As mentioned above, pearls cannot be washed directly with water.
The correct cleaning method is: use a soft cloth to dip in clean water and gently wipe the surface of the pearl. If it feels too dirty to clean with clean water, you can also spray it with a special pearl cleaning solution and then wipe it with clean water.

3 must be breathable:
If you don’t wear it for a long time and you need to put the pearls away, you must not put them in a sealed bag, because the pearls need to be breathable. If they are sealed for a long time, the gloss of the surface will be seriously affected, and the appearance will be greatly reduced.

Published On: June 23, 2023 /