Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions on Delivery.
Free Worldwide Insured No Risk Shipping by Fedex/DHL/UPS.
We ship to virtually every country in the world and we ship every day. We pay all shipping costs and we pay all insurance.
We also retain all risk in transit. The shipment is trackable the entire way and we monitor all shipments through to delivery. Delivery Service Companies will perform all customs clearance for you and deliver to your address.
Assigned Gia Gemologist responsible for your order
Purchasing a pricey item on the internet can be a thrilling, yet daunting experience. Our team understands this and we’re committed to providing you with a personal touch rather than just another faceless corporation. That’s why we assign one of our top-notch GIA Gemologists to each account.
Our very own gemologist will be at your service to take care of each and every order you place with us. Not only that, but you can reach out to them anytime with questions or concerns – whether they’re related to gemstones or not. Plus, our gemologist will personally examine your precious jewels before packing them up and making sure they arrive safely at your doorstep. How exciting is that?